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Meet the team

Primary Investigator


Jennifer M. Taber, PhD



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Riley Cramer


Alayna Myosky


McKenna L. Douglass


Maryam Bonchu

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Abigail DeSimio


Lucy Macejko

Dr. Jennifer Taber

Jennifer M. Taber, PhD

Jennifer Taber (she/her/hers) is an Associate Professor at Kent State University in the Department of Psychological Sciences. She received her BA in Psychology at American University and her MS and PhD in Social Psychology from the University of Utah. Dr. Taber was a postdoctoral cancer research training award (CRTA) fellow for 2 years in the Behavioral Research Program of the National Cancer Institute. Her research lies at the intersection of social and health psychology and centers on promoting health behavior change across multiple domains. One of her major research interests is understanding when and why risk perceptions predict behavior and how to intervene to increase the likelihood that providing risk information will lead to behavior change. In her free time, she enjoys running, hiking, and cooking. 

Contact Info:



Office: Kent Hall Annex 309


Phone: (330) 672-3783


Pronouns: She/her/hers

Courses Taught:

Health Psychology (41581)


Psychology of Risk Communication (Seminar, 41495/81591)


Social Psychology (61580/71580)


Emotions, Culture, & Health (Florence Summer Institute)

Abigail O'Brien, MA

Abigail is a fifth year PhD student in the Psychological Sciences program at Kent State University. She is interested in utilizing social psychological theory to understand how people think about their health. Particularly, Abigail is interested in defensive responses to health information and how that subsequently influences engagement in health behaviors.  Abigail received her Bachelor's degree from Kent State University. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, listening to podcasts, and spending time with her friends and family. 

Contact Info:


Office: Kent Hall 390


Phone: (330) 410-4497


Pronouns: She/her/hers

Courses Taught:

Research Methods in Psychology


Health Psychology

Abigail O'Brien

Ivy Cheng, MA

Ivy is a third year PhD student in the Psychological Sciences program at Kent State University. She is broadly interested in the psychosocial influences of health behaviors. Currently, Ivy is interested in the ways people engage in and act on health risk information. She is also interested in uncertainty, risk communication, and interventions to encourage people's engagement in preventive and protective health behaviors. Ivy received her Bachelor's degree from the National University of Singapore. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music and playing world building games. 

Contact Info:


Office: Kent Hall 390


Pronouns: She/her/hers

Courses Taught:

Research Writing in Psychology

Ivy Cheng
Alexis McGhee-Divaut

Alexis McGhee-Dinvaut, MA

Alexis McGhee-Dinvaut is currently a 3rd year PhD student in the Clinical Psychology program at Kent State University. Alexis's current research interests include understanding treatment seeking behaviors in Black communities and exploring the effects of various social factors on treatment preferences. She is also interested in complementary and alternative medicine for depression in order to reduce racial health disparities. Alexis received her bachelor's degree in psychology at the University of Kansas. In her free time, she enjoys crafting, photography, reading fiction, and watching movies!

Contact Info:


Office: Kent Hall 390


Pronouns: She/her/hers

Courses Taught:

Psychology of Everyday Life

Undergraduate RAs

Undergraduate RAs

Riley Cramer

Riley is a senior student majoring in psychology. After graduating, she plans to attend graduate school and get her master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling. Riley is particularly interested in how mental health and substance use addictions are impacting adults in a world of constant change. Outside the lab, she enjoys being active outdoors, baking, getting coffee with friends, and listening to worship music. 


McKenna L. Douglass

McKenna L. Douglass is a fourth-year undergraduate psychology student at Kent State University. McKenna's research area of interest investigates the impacts of childhood trauma in adults with the long-term goal of developing stronger treatment strategies for affected individuals. McKenna plans to continue her education as a Clinical Psychology PhD student, fostering a passion for mental health and helping others. 

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Abigail DeSimio

I am currently a Sophomore majoring in Psychology and Criminology & Justice Studies. My main area of interest is in the psychological process behind violent crimes. I plan to attend graduate school for psychology, researching criminal behavior. I then plan to move into law enforcement to help directly impact the deterrence of violent crime.


Alayna Myosky

Alayna is a sophomore student majoring in psychology and minoring in neuroscience. After graduating, she plans on attending graduate school for cognitive neuroscience and start her own research. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music, reading, and spending time outside


Maryam Bonchu

Maryam is currently a sophomore student majoring in psychology. After graduating, Maryam plans to go into industrial and organizational psychology. In her free time, she enjoys ice skating, photography, bracelet making, and going to the gym.


Lucy Macejko

Lucy is a freshman majoring in psychology at Kent State University. She plans to attend graduate school and go into the government workforce. She is interested in criminal and social psychology. In her free time, Lucy enjoys listening to music, playing bass, volunteer work and watching crime documentaries.

Lab Alumni

Lab Alumni

Nicolle Simonovic, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Ben Gurion University


Jeremy L. Foust, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Converse University


Contact Us


Kent State University

Department of Psychological Sciences

144 Kent Hall

Kent, Ohio 44242

Lab location: Kent Hall Annex, Room 358

Dr. Jennifer Taber:  Phone: (330) 672-3783

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